


Reja Initiative held its annual retreat from the 27th to 28th of January 2023. The retreat involved trainings and strategic planning for 2023 and team bonding sessions between team mates. The training facilitators helped the team deepen their understanding of the criminal justice system while highlighting strategic plans for 2023…

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REJA Initiative holds training for police officers in Lagos and Abuja

REJA Initiative holds training for police officers in Lagos and Abuja

In line with one of the goals of Restorative Justice for Africa Initiative (Reja initiative) which is the sensitisation of stakeholders on the need for restorative justice, a comprehensive training was conducted for police officers in 2 states in Nigeria on Restorative policing and human rights.  The training was held…

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REJA Initiative receives Innovators Awards in Global Affairs

REJA Initiative receives Innovators Awards in Global Affairs

Restorative Justice for Africa Initiative was recognized and awarded the Innovators awards in Global Affairs in October 2022. This award was received alongside other prominent awardees like Dr. Punit Renjen, CEO of Deloitte Global, and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, former Director for European Affairs for the National Security Council.Four other…

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Reja Initiative Visits Essex Community Justice Centre

Reja Initiative Visits Essex Community Justice Centre

REJA Initiative is honored to have visited the Essex Community Justice Centre, Vermont, USA. The visit afforded us with an incredible opportunity to learn about Restorative Justice from an American perspective. We intend to apply the insights gained during the visit to our Restorative Justice work in Africa.

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REJA Initiative Partners with Remedi

REJA Initiative Partners with Remedi

Restorative Justice for Africa (REJA) Initiative is delighted to have completed a special training course on Restorative Justice, Facilitation and Victims support provided by Remedi Restorative Service, a UK based non-profit Restorative Justice Organization. It was indeed an intellectually tasking but mutually beneficial, and enjoyable journey for both sides. We…

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Restorative Justice is an alternative framework for viewing crime that seeks to bring together the parties involved and the community to repair the harm caused. It views crime firstly as a violation of human relationships and secondly as a violation of the law. For victims, it gives them a voice…

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IN A PROPER DEMOCRACY, PRISONERS ARE PEOPLE TOO. Abraham Lincoln talking about democracy would say it is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy entails the exercise of the electoral right of the people wherein citizens are allowed to participate in the process of…

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Myths and Facts about Restorative Justice

Myths and Facts about Restorative Justice

Myth 4: Restorative Justice is not suitable for all cases, it is only appropriate for minor offences. Fact: Restorative Justice (RJ) has proven to be very appropriate for capital offences as it has been for minor offences. For minor offences, RJ has provided alternatives to custodial sentences and for capital…

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Myths and Facts about Restorative Justice.

Myths and Facts about Restorative Justice.

Myth 3: Restorative justice requires forgiveness and becoming friends with the offender. Fact: The victim in a restorative program is not under any pressure or compulsion to forgive or reconcile with the offender. RJ simple engineers the process that helps the victim get answers to their toughest questions. Although the…

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Myths and Facts About Restorative Justice

Myths and Facts About Restorative Justice

Myth 2: Restorative justice is a get out of jail free card for the offender.Fact: Restorative Justice (RJ) advocates for a healthy complement to and in certain cases of minor offences, an alternative to retributive justice. RJ does not do away with punishment, but advocates for restitution and repair which…

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Myths and Facts about Restorative Justice

Myth 1: Restorative Justice focuses on the offenderFact: Offender rehabilitation is a common element of Restorative justice but it does not necessarily make it offender centred. Restorative Justice is an approach that considers all the parties involved, particularly the healing process of the victim.In our present Criminal Justice System, Crime…

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A Simple Guide to Understanding Restorative Justice

A Simple Guide to Understanding Restorative Justice

A Simple Guide to Understanding Restorative Justice By Stephanie Chikwauzor Emebo, Esq. ( Stephanie Chikwauzor Emebo, Esq. ABSTRACT From the beginning of time, man has always needed laws to govern his activities. For peace to reign and for these laws to be enforced, a justice system is needed. Not only…

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Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice This article provides information about who a mediator is, and went further to explore an aspect of Restorative Justice called the victim-offender mediation. It is believed that every correctional officer should have mediation skill. Enjoy! A mediator is a trained person who facilitates communication between conflicting parties and…

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Juvenile Justice Administration in Nigeria

Juvenile Justice Administration in Nigeria

The focus is on juvenile offenders and the administration of Juvenile Justice in Nigeria. As you are aware, the administration of adult crime is different from that of young offenders. It is imperative that correctional officers (both custodial and non-custodial) abreast themselves with the modern practices handling juvenile delinquents. A…

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Non-Custodial Sentencing: The Probation Officer

Non-Custodial Sentencing: The Probation Officer

Sequel to the commencement of full implementation of the non-custodial policy in Nigeria, I deemed it fit to reel out the qualities and functions of the probation officer. Most of the officers posted to the non-custodial service of the Nigerian Correctional Service are likely to be probation officer. It is…

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Chaplaincy And Its Role In The Custodial Facility

Chaplaincy And Its Role In The Custodial Facility

Exploring Chaplaincy and its Role in the Custodial Facility. Chaplaincy activities are indispensable in the reformation, rehabilitation and reentry of offenders. Much like in the military and at hospitals, correctional chaplains provide pastoral care to those who are disconnected from the general community by certain circumstances – in this case…

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