Month: May 2023

Month: May 2023

Detained for 12 Months-REJA Initiative Facilitates JM’s Release

Our volunteer Peter Ogbu represented and secured the release of Jude Mathew (Pseudonym) aged 32 who was working in a palm oil mill in Benin City. Due to the poor conditions of service, Mr Jude notified his employer of his intention to resign in the middle of April 2022 and requested half of his pay for work done, but his employer vehemently refused and threatened to deal with him for resigning….

Highlights from our Webinar on the Emergence of Restorative Justice in the Nigerian Criminal Justice System.

REJA Initiative had its first quarter webinar on the emergence of restorative justice in the Nigerian criminal justice system on the 28th of April 2023. The webinar featured two (2) keynote speakers; Emokiniovo Dafe-Akpedeye, managing partner Compos Mentis and board member REJA and G.I Igbokwe, team lead Social Development Unit PRAWA…