Tag: access to justice

Tag: access to justice

Ibrahim’s Freedom Achieved Through Restorative Justice

In the small town of Evbuoriaria, a young man named Ibrahim (pseudo) found himself trapped in a web of accusations. On that fateful day, he stood before the Evbuoriaria Magistrates’ Court, charged with stealing a tricycle—a crime he vehemently denied committing. The weight of uncertainty and fear settled upon his shoulders as he pleaded not guilty…………………

Arrested and Detained on False Charge of Stealing- REJA Initiative secures his release

In a sad tale of false accusations and abuse of power, Mr. D found himself trapped in the clutches of the criminal justice system. 

Mr. D was arrested and detained on a trump-up charge of stealing, and despite an express order by the DPO of the police station that he be released, a rebellious officer still took him and arraigned him at the Upper Area Court in Nasarawa State………