Tag: free legal services

Tag: free legal services

Ibrahim’s Freedom Achieved Through Restorative Justice

In the small town of Evbuoriaria, a young man named Ibrahim (pseudo) found himself trapped in a web of accusations. On that fateful day, he stood before the Evbuoriaria Magistrates’ Court, charged with stealing a tricycle—a crime he vehemently denied committing. The weight of uncertainty and fear settled upon his shoulders as he pleaded not guilty…………………

Arrested and Detained on False Charge of Stealing- REJA Initiative secures his release

In a sad tale of false accusations and abuse of power, Mr. D found himself trapped in the clutches of the criminal justice system. 

Mr. D was arrested and detained on a trump-up charge of stealing, and despite an express order by the DPO of the police station that he be released, a rebellious officer still took him and arraigned him at the Upper Area Court in Nasarawa State………

Abandoned in Prison for 1 year over a fight with a Police Officer,Tortured and Abused- SJ regains his freedom

Mr Solomon Jonah (SJ pseudonym) was arrested in Port Harcourt sometime in May 2022 over an altercation between him and a Police Officer. SJ was a fuel black marketer in Port Harcourt. On the day of the incident, the police officer took all of SJ’s merchandise, which led to an altercation that resulted in SJ reaching for the officer’s gun when the officer threatened to shoot him………………………………………………………………