Category: Advocacy

Category: Advocacy

Restorative Justice Sensitization Programme

In a bold and progressive move towards transforming the criminal justice landscape, the Lagos State Restorative Justice Centre organised a Restorative Justice Sensitization Programme. This unique initiative aimed to not only raise awareness about the principles and benefits of restorative justice but also showcased its practical application through a blend of community engagement and legal expertise………………………

Highlights from our Webinar on the Emergence of Restorative Justice in the Nigerian Criminal Justice System.

REJA Initiative had its first quarter webinar on the emergence of restorative justice in the Nigerian criminal justice system on the 28th of April 2023. The webinar featured two (2) keynote speakers; Emokiniovo Dafe-Akpedeye, managing partner Compos Mentis and board member REJA and G.I Igbokwe, team lead Social Development Unit PRAWA…

REJA Initiative holds training for police officers in Lagos and Abuja

In line with one of the goals of Restorative Justice for Africa Initiative (Reja initiative) which is the sensitisation of stakeholders on the need for restorative justice, a comprehensive training was conducted for police officers in 2 states in Nigeria on Restorative policing and human rights. 

The training was held concurrently in Lagos and Abuja in commemoration of the 2022 RJ week, which was held from the 20th – 26th of November 2022………